Searching for a StableĀ career opportunity?

Use LiveRec as part of your transition strategy

Job Seeker FAQ

In order to register as a LiveRec job seeker, you must first complete a candidate application and upload your resume to our site.
After submitting a Job Seeker Application, our experienced recruitment team will review your background and preferences to determine if our services can enhance your job search. In the initial assessment we will assess your work experience, educational background, certifications, training, and job search timeline.
Once accepted into the program, a LiveRec team member will contact you to discuss four key aspects of your job search:
1 – Job Opportunities: You will gain access to our platform, where you can browse and apply for available jobs. If your skills align with an open position, you will receive Job Alerts by email.
2 – Interview Preparation: LiveRec will assist you with online interviews with potential employers.
3 – Application Approval: Once your visa application is approved by a company, LiveRec will inform you and provide guidance on the visa application process.
4 – Visa Approval: After your visa application is approved by USCIS, LiveRec will assist you with travel arrangements.
As an experienced job seeker, you will be charged a one time non-refundable $65 flat fee for online work finding services for International applicants. The employers we partner with compensate us for our ability to help prepare you and to find the most talented candidates on the job market (a fee that originates from an employerā€™s recruiting budget, separate from employee salaries).
You will gain access to our platform, where you can browse and apply for available jobs. If your skills align with a new open opportunity, you will receive job alerts via email.