Terms of Service

Terms of Service

Work seeker Terms and Conditions

LiveRec, LLC. Work Seeker Terms of Service

These are the terms and conditions which apply between LiveRec Employment Agency LLC (“LiveRec”) and work seekers (“you”) making use of its services. These terms and conditions are supplemented by our Privacy Policy.

1.    LiveRec will provide you with work finding services globally. LiveRec will charge a one time non-refundable $65 flat fee for online work finding services for International applicants.

2.    LiveRec cannot guarantee to find you work. We will register you in our database if you have sent us your resume and completed our registration form on liverecus.com and you will be included in searches that we conduct for vacancies we are handling. If you appear suitable for a particular vacancy, our consultants will try to contact you by phone or in writing to confirm your suitability and to invite you to apply.

3.     We may also contact you when carrying out research such as salary surveys and to ensure your registered information is up to date.

4.     When applying for a vacancy, either via the LiveRec website or in response to communication with a LiveRec employee, you agree to inform LiveRec whether or not you have already applied for that vacancy or to the employer concerned in the past and whether or not you have an ongoing recruitment dialogue with that employer about any role(s).

5. International Applicants are required to apply and obtain the H-1B Visa application after employer application approval; Obtaining US Visa and its applied Fees are strictly done by the USCIS authorities, though LiveRec will only assist you with the traveling process.

6.     Should LiveRec write to you following your verbal confirmation that LiveRec may submit your resume or other details to an employer client, either speculatively or for a specific vacancy, asking for confirmation of those instructions, you agree to use your best endeavours to confirm those instructions but also agree that unless you reply to cancel those instructions before your candidature has been submitted to the employer client, we may proceed on your verbal instructions.

7.     You agree that having given LiveRec instructions to submit your candidature to an employer client, you will not make a further application for the same vacancy, either directly or via any other intermediary, or, if a speculative submission, that you will not apply to that client at all within 12 months without first informing LiveRec in writing of your intention to do so.  Similarly, and in order to avoid unethical behaviour on the part of any clients, should an employer client contact you directly after your candidature has been submitted to that client, you agree to inform both the employer client and LiveRec accordingly and to maintain your candidature via LiveRec.

8.     You agree and acknowledge LiveRec may utilise the services of a third party company to check from time to time whether or not candidates whose candidature has been submitted to clients are now working for those clients without LiveRec’s knowledge.  LiveRec agrees to provide such third parties only with the minimum necessary information to facilitate those checks.

9.     If LiveRec find you work, you agree that you will carefully check your employment contract and any offer letter received from your new employer and that the terms and conditions contained in those documents will constitute your terms of employment. You agree that these documents take precedence over any offer communicated to you by LiveRec and that it is your responsibility to raise any discrepancies before accepting your contract / offer letter.

10.     Your Resume – When you complete your liverecus.com registration form and send us your resume they will be stored and made available offline to LiveRec’s consultants only. Your resume will not be forwarded to any third party including our employer clients unless you specifically authorise us (either verbally or in writing) we can do so. By applying for an individual vacancy you are authorising us to forward your resume to the hiring company for that vacancy and you agree not to submit any applications for the same vacancy either directly or via any other agency or intermediary. Please give us clear instructions when applying for individual vacancies if you wish to discuss them further with us before we submit your resume.

11.  LiveRec may use data held to identify and publish employment trends such as salary averages and industry demographics. This data will not be capable of being linked to any individual(s).

12.  Use of your work email address – If you register using a non-private or corporate email address, please ensure that it is secure (i.e. you know who is able to view your inbox). We cannot accept responsibility if your emails are read by others with access to your inbox. If your email address is not secure, we would recommend that you obtain a free email address from Gmail or Outlook (live.com) and then remember to mark …@liverecus.com as safe email addresses.

13.  Please note that LiveRec reserves the right not to register you on our database and to remove from our database Resume’s which include any content that we consider to be illegal or offensive or factually incorrect. We will also remove your details/resume if a complaint is upheld which has been made against them, or if you use rude or inappropriate behavior towards any member of our staff.

14.  The work finding services LiveRec provide are:
a.    finding / seeking to find you work as explained above
b.    the provision of vacancy & other information on liverecus.com and any other site LiveRec may use.
c.    the provision of vacancy & other information via our jobs by email service.

15.  LiveRec operate as an employment agency in respect of finding you permanent or temporary employment or seeking to find you such employment within the markets in which LiveRec operate.

16.  LiveRec operate as an employment business in respect of any assignment or contract LiveRec may find for you in relation to which you are or will be employed by LiveRec and under the control of the hiring company. Unless you are an individual contractor or a limited company and the necessary legal requirements for the assignment to be regarded as a contract for services appear to be satisfied, LiveRec will employ you in relation to the assignment under a contract of services.

17.  LiveRec are required by law to obtain confirmation of your identity, that you are legally entitled and willing to work in the location and position which the hiring company is seeking to fill and that you have the experience, training, qualifications and any authorizations which the hiring company considers necessary or are required by law or by any professional body. You agree to provide the necessary information and documentation to LiveRec if requested.

18.  When operating as an employment business, LiveRec will not withhold payment to you if LiveRec have not been paid by the hiring company. LiveRec may only delay payment for a reasonable time to make inquiries if you have not produced a signed time sheet while LiveRec obtain alternative proof that you have worked the hours claimed.

19.  Unless otherwise required by the hiring company, during the period of your employment with us, each party shall be required to give notice to terminate the contract as prescribed in the Employment Rights Act 1996 (or any replacement of that Act), the interval at which remuneration will be paid to you is monthly and you will be entitled to the minimum statutory days paid annual holiday or LiveRec for your contracted hours and the duration of the assignment.

20.  When operating as an employment business LiveRec will seek to obtain and to pay you a competitive rate of pay for any assignment LiveRec find for you but in any event this will be not less than the legally required minimum.

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You Deserve a job you love.

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